Voted BEST SHOE STORE on Long Island 2021!

The Shoe Fits Comfort Shoes

Voted Best Shoe Store on Long Island 2020!

Let Your Shoes Work For You

Desiree Coleman2 Comments

The shoes you wear to work matter.

Why? Just like you would want the best tools, office supplies, or machinery to do your job, your shoes are a big part of the job you do. Whether you sit, stand, walk, run, or pace the floors every day, your shoes could be bearing the brunt of the pressure (literally).

A good work shoe starts with quality materials that stand the test of time (and job site), and end with a perfect fit that supports your feet and body comfortably. If you’re thinking that this sounds great, but you doubt there are shoes for your industry that are appropriate and comfortable, think again.

With the proper education about your feet and the job you do, an educated salesperson can help you find a shoe that meets your job’s specifications.

At The Shoe Fits, we carry shoes specifically for these industries:

Our styles offer any number of the following features:

  • High quality leather construction
  • Waterproof lining
  • Accommodating sizes
  • Comfortable, all-day support
  • Slip-resistant soles
  • A variety of colors and styles to fit every profession

Consider work shoes an investment that pays itself off the first day you come home with pain-free feet. The proof is in the pudding. Try a pair of our featured work styles today.